Home Learning

OAA lesson 1: Explore and create

Learning outcomes

  • I can use basic exploration skills to search for items
  • I will use creativity and imagination to solves tasks

What you need

  • Household equipment (watch the video to see!)

Activity 1: Alphabet explorer

  • Set a time limit between 2-5 minutes
  • In this time, you must search your home/garden to collect one household item for each letter of the alphabet
  • Once the time is up, you must stop! Even if you haven't got an item for each letter!
  • You will need to use your items for activity 2...

Activity 2: Alphabet creations

  • Set a two minute time limit for each creation
  • Can you create the following:

- A house

- A boat

- Your favourite animal

- A self portrait

  • See how we did on the video!